
·         個人資料是您的重要分身
Your personal informationis confidential and very important to you.  

·         密碼至少要英文, 數字混合, 至少6碼以上, 也請勿將帳號密碼交給他人使用
Password should comprise a combination of at least 6 English letters and numbers. Do not give your account passwords to anyone.

·         別輕易同意讓您的個人資料作其他用途
Do not lightly give someone permission to use your personal information for other purposes. 

·         申請書上若請您同意將所填的個人資料, 提供該公司或其子公司作為其他用途時, 千萬要仔細看清楚! 如果沒有清楚明確說明使用的用途, 以及使用的對象, 就不要同意, 以免您的個人資料被不當使用!
When companies or their subsidiaries request you to provide your personal information for various application processes, you must be very cautious and careful. If they do not clearly explain how they will use your personal information or they do not tell you who else will have access to your personal information, do not comply with their request in order to avoid improper use of your personal information.